À propos de FeelIt


Xiang's Blog

Un thème Hugo simple, élégant et efficace




Informations Personnelles







FeelIt is a clean, elegant but advanced blog theme for Hugo developed by Khusika. It is based on the original LoveIt Theme, LeaveIt Theme, and KeepIt Theme.

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Sorry, this article has not been completely translated into French. Welcome to take the time to propose a translation by  making a PR to the theme!
Hugo Theme FeelIt


Performance and SEO

  •  Optimized for performance: 99/100 on mobile and 100/100 on desktop in Google PageSpeed Insights
  •  Optimized SEO performance with a correct SEO SCHEMA based on JSON-LD
  •  Google Analytics supported
  •  Fathom Analytics supported
  •  GoatCounter Analytics supported
  •  Search engine verification supported (Google, Bind, Yandex and Baidu)
  •  CDN for third-party libraries supported
  •  Automatically converted images with Lazy Load by lazysizes

Appearance and Layout

  • / Responsive layout
  • / Light/Dark mode
  •  Globally consistent design language
  •  Pagination supported
  •  Easy-to-use and self-expanding table of contents
  •  Multilanguage supported and i18n ready
  •  Beautiful CSS animation

Social and Comment Systems

  •  Gravatar supported by Gravatar
  •  Local Avatar supported
  •  Up to 64 social links supported
  •  Up to 28 share sites supported
  •  Disqus comment system supported by Disqus
  •  Gitalk comment system supported by Gitalk
  •  Valine comment system supported by Valine
  •  Facebook comments system supported by Facebook
  •  Telegram comments system supported by Comments
  •  Commento comment system supported by Commento
  •  Utterances comment system supported by Utterances

Extended Features

  •  Search supported by Lunr.js or algolia
  •  Twemoji supported
  •  Automatically highlighting code
  •  Copy code to clipboard with one click
  •  Images gallery supported by lightgallery.js
  •  Extended Markdown syntax for Font Awesome icons
  •  Extended Markdown syntax for ruby annotation
  •  Extended Markdown syntax for fraction
  •  Mathematical formula supported by $ \KaTeX $
  •  Diagrams shortcode supported by mermaid
  •  Interactive data visualization shortcode supported by ECharts
  •  Mapbox shortcode supported by Mapbox GL JS
  •  Music player shortcode supported by APlayer and MetingJS
  •  Bilibili player shortcode
  •  Kinds of admonitions shortcode
  •  Custom style shortcode
  •  Custom script shortcode
  •  Animated typing supported by TypeIt
  •  Cookie consent banner supported by cookieconsent


FeelIt is licensed under the MIT license.

Check the LICENSE file for details.

Thanks to the authors of following resources included in the theme: